Calabria, Italy and its Genealogy, History, Culture and Language

Castelsilano (KR) Marriages (1736 - 1810, 1851 - 1853)

Search our Castelsilano (KR) Marriages (1736 - 1810, 1851 - 1853) collection.

About this collection:

The records from 1736 to 1810 were extracted from church records of marriages in the town of Castrum Casini (later known as Casino, and now Castelsilano) by Giuseppe LaVigna and featured in his book "Castelsilano e le sue origini", Edizione Pubblisfera, 2001. The data was extracted and formatted electronically by ICC member Patricia Llonch (#1376LM) and is made searchable and available here with permission. The records from 1851 to 1853 were extracted from Castelsilano familias, a site run by Cynthia Milán de García.

If anyone wishes to provide data for years not currently covered by this database, then please contact us.

Search marriages from Castrum Casini / Casino / Castelsilano (1736 - 1810, 1851 - 1853)

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Groom Given Name Groom Surname Marriage Year
Bride Given Name Bride Surname