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Calabria, Italy and its Genealogy, History, Culture and Language

I tiempi: na vota e mò [The Times: Past and Present]

Reminiscing about the old days in Calabria



Guardannu mmenz'a via appena azatu,
sutta nu mbrellu mienzu arripezzatu
vijiu nu viechhiu caminare chjanu
teniennu nu neputieddru per a manu.

"Mo c'arrivamu aru putighinu,
dice u nonnu, t'accattu nu paninu
chjnu de murtatella e provulune
e, si ci a fazzu, puru nu turrune!"

"Nonno' e.. cumprami dudici bustine
ca ci su' sesanta figurine
e si ci truovu a Platini' ed Altobelli
m'i cangiu ccu Cabrini e ccu Tardelli."

U nonnu, u guarde e senza dire nente,
"I tiempi, pensa, cangiu veramente:
io mi sunnave pane e provulune
chissu si sonne jocaturi 'e pallune."
Looking out on the road as I arose,
under an umbrella half repaired,
I see an old man walking slowly
holding a little grandson by the hand.

"When we arrive at the little store",
says the grandfather, "I will buy you a sandwich
filled with mortadella and provolone
and if I have enough, even a torrone!"

"Grandpa and.. buy me 12 packets
for there are sixty picture-cards
and if I find Platini and Altobelli
I can switch for Cabrini and Tardelli"

The grandfather looks at him silently,
"The Times, he thinks, have truly changed:
I was dreaming of bread and provolone
this one dreams of ball players."
Submitted by Guy Filippelli and translated by Dr. Tom Lucente